Monday, November 19, 2007

The Pentadic Criticism Review#week12

W. Ross Winterowd. Dramatism in Themes and Poems. College English, Vol. 45, No. 6. (Oct., 1983), pp. 581-588.
Research Question:
In this artifact, Winterowd asks two questions: 1.What is the importance of Burke’s paradigm? 2. How the dramatism can really work on themes and poems (Winterowd581-588)?
Research Aim:
The author’s main aim is try to define that Burke’s paradigm is not only via enthymemes but also via synecdoches. (Wintered 582). In addition, the author wants to explain that humans live not by enthymemes alone thought this perspective.
In this paper, there is no specific methodology to develop author’s thoughts. However, Winterowd tries to adopt both deduction and induction to explain Burke’s contributions.
According to the author, Burke did not invent the representative anecdote, and he wrote appositionally.
The disadvantage of Burke’s methods is that it does not lead readily to the closure of an enthymeme (Winterowd 587-588).
Future direction:
The Burke’s Darmatism has been outside the mainstream of language theory and literary criticism. However, Burke’s method should be applied to more areas such as Post-structuralism.

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